AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point
Are your employees eager adopters of AI tools — or not so much? Their level of enthusiasm may depend on how much time savings they think they're getting by using the tools.
In this survey of Microsoft Copilot users, researchers asked how much time they saved and where they experienced the greatest improvements in their work. The results? Read the article for insight on what to expect on the path to AI adoption.
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AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point
published by Whalley Computer Associates
Whalley Computer Associates started out humbly at our owner’s kitchen table in 1979. Today we are a company with over 200 employees that can offer a global reach while staying true to our local touch. Our difference is simple: Commit to providing high quality service for our clients by hiring the best people for the job. Here at WCA we hold firm to our four pillars.
Do what’s right for the Customer.
Do what’s right for Whalley Computer.
Do what’s right for your Department.
Do what’s right for Yourself.
Keeping this sentiment to heart is the key that steadily guides our success. Contact us today to discover the real Whalley Difference.